Things that will bring Ox luck:
- Lucky numbers: 1, 4, and numbers containing 1 and 4 (like 14 and 41)
- Lucky days: the 13th and 27th of every Chinese lunar month
- Lucky colors: white, yellow, and green
- Lucky flowers: tulip, morning glory, and peach blossom
- Lucky directions: north and south
- Lucky months: the 7th and 9th Chinese lunar months
Things that Ox should avoid:
- Unlucky color: blue
- Unlucky numbers: 5 and 6
- Unlucky direction: southwest
- Unlucky months: the 4th and 11th Chinese lunar months
Ox are most compatible with rats, snakes, and roosters. However, they can clash with goats, horses, and dogs.
Famous Ox-Year People:
- Napoleon Bonaparte: born August 15, 1769, an Earth Ox
- Vincent Van Gogh: born on March 30, 1853, a Water Ox
- Walt Disney: born on December 5, 1901, a Gold Ox
- Margaret Thatcher: born on October 13, 1925, a Wood Ox
- Barack Obama: born on August 4, 1961, a Gold Ox